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Environmental Management

Since 2014, an environmental management system according to the DIN EN ISO 14001 standard has been introduced and certified at our locations.

The Environmental Management System

As a globally active company, we carry responsibility for the world of tomorrow - through sustainable management and the conscious use of our resources.

We systematically include environmental aspects in our business decisions, which is why we have had our environmental management system officially certified for the first time in 2014.

Since then, the CLASSEN Group has committed itself to continuous improvement of its environmental performance and regularly undergoes internal audits.

Projects to reduce CO2

"We are constantly working on better material recovery for our production cycle."

André Hennig, Managing Director Fiberboard GmbH

CLASSEN and its 3 billion employees

The heat demand at the Baruth / Mark site is covered by a biomass cogeneration plant. The hot gases from this plant are used to dry the fibres produced in the production process. The exhaust air stream from the dryer is cleaned in a wet electrostatic precipitator. The resulting water is then biologically purified in an aeration basin and fed back into the process.

3 billion CLASSEN employees live in the aeration tank: a good 3 billion bacteria that are able to break down the substances separated from the exhaust air stream. The addition of oxygen, a constant temperature control of the aeration tank, the existing exhaust air temperature as well as the substances contained to be degraded create the optimal living conditions for the bacteria. This heat recovery from the exhaust air purification process saves around 3,300 tonnes of CO₂ annually.

Products with substance

Die CLASSEN Gruppe strebt mit ihrer Unternehmensvision nachhaltige Produkte an, darunter Laminatböden und Designböden (PVC-frei), welche aus schonend gewonnenen Rohstoffen und ökologisch unbedenklichen Materialien hergestellt werden. Eine Selbstverpflichtungserklärung sowie zahlreicher Zertifizierungen bestätigen diesen Anspruch. Wie zum Beispiel das PEFC (PEFC/04-31-0824)- und das FSC®-Siegel (FSC C100583) für Produkte aus nachhaltiger Forstwirtschaft, Auszeichnungen mit dem „Blauen Engel“ und Signets, wie das vom Eco-Institut für emissionsarme Bodenbeläge.

The strict German environmental standard is not only kept with CLASSEN, but even far exceeded.

"As an entrepreneur, I see myself as being responsible for an environmentally friendly, resource-conserving production method and in the duty to supply the market with pollution-free products that do not pollute our environment, even after the fact".

Dr. Hans-Jürgen Hannig, founder and managing director of the CLASSEN Group

Products 100% recyclable

We have designed our vinyl / design floors to be 100% recyclable.