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El Grupo CLASSEN se presenta por primera vez en el Branchentag Holz de Colonia

Cologne, 20 October 2023 - The CLASSEN Group, one of the leading manufacturers of high-quality laminate as well as CERAMIN wall and floor coverings, has announced its participation in this year's Branchentag Holz in Cologne, focusing on its first-class laminate range, the trend-setting PVC-free gluing/clicking product concept "NUVA" (CERAMIN) and doors. The event will take place on 07 and 08 November 2023 at the Köln Messezentrum and promises to be an exciting platform for knowledge exchange and the presentation of innovative products.

The Branchentag Holz is an important event for the wood industry and related sectors, which is awaited with great pleasure every year. CLASSEN is also participating for the first time as an exhibitor, presenting its flooring range and its sister division for high-quality doors over two stands. The flooring focus will be on laminate products and the revolutionary "NUVA" (CERAMIN) product concept, which will be presented for the first time at the show. This innovation promises to revolutionize the flooring market by offering an environmentally friendly alternative to conventional PVC flooring.

"Our participation in this event is of great importance as we will present the latest advances in the flooring industry," says Mathias Gorecki, Managing Director of CLASSEN Group. "Our high-quality, water-resistant laminate floors have already earned an excellent reputation, and with the new "NUVA" (CERAMIN) product concept, we are setting the standard for sustainability and innovation in the industry."

Visitors are cordially invited to visit the CLASSEN Group booths in Hall 8, Booth E-020 (flooring) and Booth E-021 (doors), to learn more about their latest laminate products, the "NUVA" (CERAMIN) product concept and CLASSEN doors. The CLASSEN Group looks forward to inspiring conversations and the exchange of ideas at the Branchentag Holz in Cologne.

Para más información sobre el Grupo CLASSEN y su participación en el Día de la Industria de la Madera en Colonia, visite el sitio web oficial de la empresa en https://classengroup.com/ o póngase en contacto con la empresa en messe@classen.de

El Ministro de Economía de Brandemburgo visita Baruth/Mark para informarse sobre el proyecto energético previsto 

Bei seinem Besuch in Baruth/Mark besichtigte Brandenburgs Wirtschaftsminister Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jörg Steinbach heute das Laminat- und Faserplattenwerk der Classen-Gruppe und informierte sich über die geplanten Maßnahmen zur Senkung des CO2-Ausstoßes. Das Werk will seinen Strombedarf künftig aus erneuerbaren Quellen decken. Dazu plant Classen zusammen mit der naturwind-Unternehmensgruppe den Bau eines Windparks.

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El Ministro de Economía de Brandemburgo visita Baruth/Mark para informarse sobre el proyecto energético previsto 

Bei seinem Besuch in Baruth/Mark besichtigte Brandenburgs Wirtschaftsminister Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jörg Steinbach heute das Laminat- und Faserplattenwerk der Classen-Gruppe und informierte sich über die geplanten Maßnahmen zur Senkung des CO2-Ausstoßes. Das Werk will seinen Strombedarf künftig aus erneuerbaren Quellen decken. Dazu plant Classen zusammen mit der naturwind-Unternehmensgruppe den Bau eines Windparks.

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