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Resistant laminate for a carefree home: the new CASA collection from CLASSEN

Baruth / Kaisersesch. Under the motto "Your Home. Your CASA." the CLASSEN Group has presented its new laminate collection CASA. The focus during development was on the versatile resilience of the flooring for carefree living in modern households.

Families with children, for example, will be delighted with the laminate with stress classes 32 and 33, which are otherwise also used in the commercial sector. This is because the flooring can withstand both exuberant play and falling building blocks as well as children's birthday parties with friends. Whether in a child's room or in a home office, CASA's abrasion classes AC4 and 5 guarantee a long service life for the floor covering, even with frequent use.

This is made possible by CLASSEN's proven LLT anti-scratch technology. The reinforced top layer of the laminate planks is not only particularly resistant to wear and micro-scratches, but the matt gloss level of the surface also remains the same for many years.

At ease with wetness

Whether splashing, spilling or showering at home, thanks to CLASSEN's patented Megaloc-aqua- protect technology, the CASA laminate will not suffer. The planks are water resistant, even suitable for the bathroom and protected from water penetration at the joints. For a period of 24 hours, no water penetrates down through the chamfer of the edge profiles, so that the risk of swelling of the edges is greatly reduced and the subfloor of the floor is also protected. So you don't have to worry about wet mopping or coming home with wet rubber boots.

This is demonstrated by the excellent results in the standard test procedure according to NALFA (North American Laminate Flooring Association). This tests how laminate planks perform when installed with the surface exposed to standing water for 24 hours. The results show that CASA more than meets the NALFA requirement. The surfaces of the CASA laminate also show swelling behavior of the best possible rating class 1 in the tests, which means that CLASSEN's product performs significantly better than water-resistant laminate flooring from competitors. The Megaloc-aqua-protect profile also ensures quick and easy tile installation.

Per maggiori dettagli sulla tecnologia Megaloc-aqua-protect, visitate https://megaloc.de/de/ .

A feast for the eyes

However, the CASA laminate collection not only offers advantages at a high technical level. The four collection lines Originale, Grande, Ultimo and Lounge inspire with a total of 28 authentic wood decors, which form the right base for any room ambience and ensure that you can simply feel carefree at home. The angled bevels of the joints on the surface are color-coordinated with the decor image, creating a high-quality joint pattern.

The feel-good decors from the CLASSEN design center can be experienced not only with the eyes, but also felt with hand and foot: Thanks to the detailed synchronous structure of the surfaces, you can feel the fibers of the wood decor individually. This is how CASA brings the soothing experience of nature into your own four walls, while at the same time benefiting from the high resilience and quality of a floor covering from CLASSEN.

You can find out more about the range of the CASA collection from CLASSEN here: https://casa-collection.de/en/


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