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CLASSEN впервые размещает зеленый вексель для finpair

  • Promissory bill with maturities of 3, 5 and 7 years via the finpair digital platform
  • Use for (re)funding of appropriate green projects.
  • Great confidence of the investors in the sustainable corporate philosophy of CLASSEN

20 июля 2023 года, Кайзерзеш. Группа CLASSEN, один из ведущих мировых производителей напольных покрытий, впервые разместила "зеленый" Schuldschein через цифровую платформу finpair, которая занимается брокериджем Schuldscheine для заинтересованных инвесторов. Выпуск зеленого шульдшейна соответствует Принципам зеленых облигаций (GBP) и получил безоговорочное заключение SPO (заключение второй стороны) от imug rating GmbH, одного из ведущих немецких поставщиков услуг в области стратегии и реализации ESG-инвестиций, а также оценки устойчивого развития.

By placing the green bond, the CLASSEN Group sends a clear signal for its sustainable and responsible corporate strategy as well as its responsible use of resources. The framework established meets the high standards of the Green Bond Principles (GBP), which ensure a transparent and environmentally conscious use of funds.

The use of funds targets ICMA's project categories in the areas of energy efficiency and circular economy. The family-owned company plans to use the funds from the green promissory bill to advance sustainable and energy-efficient production processes in the flooring industry. This includes implementing environmentally friendly technologies, using renewable energy, reducing resource consumption, and promoting recycling and waste reduction. Through these significant investments, CLASSEN will further strengthen its leading position as a sustainable player in the flooring industry and contribute to reducing its environmental footprint.

Bild: Die aus 7.000 Modulen bestehende Photovoltaikanlage am Hauptstandort in Kaisersesch

Stefanie Quervel, Chief Financial Officer of the CLASSEN Group: "The successful placement of the green promissory bill is a significant step for the CLASSEN Group and proof of our commitment to sustainability and environmental protection. We are pleased that investors support our sustainable corporate strategy and that we can shape the future together."

The digital platform finpair enabled the CLASSEN Group to place the green promissory bill efficiently and in a targeted manner to interested investors. The success of this placement underlines the confidence of investors in the sustainable orientation of the CLASSEN Group and its innovative strength in the flooring sector.

Christian Müller, authorized signatory at finpair: "In addition to the repeated use of the digital platform finpair, we are very pleased that we were able to structure a green issue for the CLASSEN Group for the first time, also with additional support from our cooperation partner imug rating GmbH. Despite increased margin requirements in the overall market, the CLASSEN Group succeeded in raising the desired liquidity at attractive conditions."

About finpair

"Digital. Efficient. Flexible. That's how promissory note loans work today." This is the philosophy of finpair as an innovative provider of digital promissory note loans, which emerged from a digitalization offensive of NORD/LB. finpair is the only platform provider where users benefit from a digital product solution with personal product and structuring expertise from a single source. Here, finpair covers all phases of the promissory note process, from structuring to marketing to repayment, and offers service and value-added services at all stages. Due to its digitally supported approach and the broad investor universe, finpair is equally the optimal partner for broad placements of debt instruments as well as for private placements.  Issuers gain advantages through the transparency, efficiency and cost reduction of the platform technology.

You can find out more about finpair here: https://www.finpair.de

Группа компаний CLASSEN получила маркировку Solar Impulse для CERAMIN®

Группа компаний CLASSEN получила престижную награду Solar Impulse Efficient Solution Label за CERAMIN®. Эта награда подтверждает, что CERAMIN® является одним из самых экологичных и эффективных решений в области строительства и ремонта.


CLASSEN получает награду German Design Award 2025 за CERAMIN

14 октября 2024 года инновационный материал CERAMIN получил премию German Design Award в категории «Победитель» за выдающееся качество дизайна и устойчивые свойства. Эта престижная награда присуждается продуктам, которые впечатляют своим инновационным подходом и функциональным дизайном и тем самым способствуют устойчивому преобразованию экономики. Премия German Design Award признана эталоном для новаторских разработок в области дизайна.


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Министр экономики Бранденбурга посетил Барут/Марк, чтобы узнать о планируемом энергетическом проекте 

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