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Here we have all relevant documents, files and images made available for download

Laminate Flooring

CERAMIN wall and floor coverings

Installation Instructions / Cleaning & Care

Verlegeanleitung CLASSEN CERAMIN Flex Dryback

Installation instructions CLASSEN CERAMIN Flex Dryback Herringbone

Laying Instruction CLASSEN easyloc (Text)

Laying Instruction CLASSEN easyloc without underlayment

Laying Instruction CLASSEN easyloc without underlayment - tiles size

Laying Instruction CLASSEN easyloc with underlayment

Laying Instruction CLASSEN easyloc with underlayment - tiles size

Verlegeanleitung CLASSEN megaloc aqua protect mit integrierter Trittschalldämmung Dielenformat

Laying Instruction CLASSEN megaloc without underlayment

Laying Instruction CLASSEN megaloc without underlayment - tiles size

Laying instruction CLASSEN megaloc with underlayment

Laying Instruction CLASSEN megaloc with underlayment - tiles size

Laying Instruction NEO Vario

Laying instructions Ceramin Tiles

Laying Instruction CERAMIN Vario

Laying Instruction CERAMIN XXL

Cleaning and care CERAMIN design floor coverings - private use

Reinigung und Pflege CERAMIN Tiles im Wohnbereich

Reinigung und Pflege CERAMIN Tiles im Objektbereich

Cleaning and care CERAMIN-Flex/Dryback design floor coverings - living area

Cleaning and care CERAMIN-Flex/Dryback design floor coverings - contract sector

Cleaning and care NEO Vario commercial use (german)

Cleaning and care NEO Vario private use (german)

Cleaning and care of Encore tile format - Sono Pro - commercial use

Cleaning and care Encore plank format - Sono Pro - commercial use

Cleaning and care Rigidfloor - commercial use

Reinigung und Pflege NUVA Click Diele – gewerbliche Nutzung

Reinigung und Pflege NUVA Click Fliese – gewerbliche Nutzung

Reinigung und Pflege NUVA Click – private Nutzung

Use of electric heating foils from Heat Decor under CERAMIN® flooring