Installation instructions CLASSEN megaloc twin without impact sound insulation
Laying Instruction CLASSEN megaloc (Text)
Laying instruction CLASSEN megaloc without underlayment
Laying instruction CLASSEN megaloc with underlayment
Laying instruction CLASSEN laminate tile megaloc without underlayment
Laying instruction CLASSEN megaloc aqua protect with underlayment
Laying instruction CLASSEN megaloc aqua protect (Text)
Laying instruction CLASSEN megaloc aqua protect without underlayment
Verlegeanleitung CLASSEN megaloc aqua protect UBERWOOD mit integrierter Trittschalldämmung
Verlegeanleitung CLASSEN megaloc aqua protect Hydroclick mit integrierter Trittschalldämmung
Laying instruction CLASSEN megaloc aqua protect with underlayment
Laying instruction CLASSEN laminate tile megaloc aqua protect without underlayment
Laying instruction CLASSEN laminate tile megaloc aqua protect with underlayment
Laying instruction CLASSEN easyconnect without underlayment
Laying instruction CLASSEN easyconnect without underlayment
Verlegeanleitung CLASSEN taploc 3.X mit Trittschalldämmung
Verlegeanleitung CLASSEN taploc 3.X ohne Trittschalldämmung
Cleaning & Caring CLASSEN laminate flooring
Cleaning and care CLASSEN Uberwood/Hydroclick
Use of electric heating foils from Heat Decor under CLASSEN laminate flooring
Usage of electrical heating foils by Heat Decor with CLASSEN laminate flooring/herringbone
Verlegeanleitung CLASSEN CERAMIN Flex Dryback
Installation instructions CLASSEN CERAMIN Flex Dryback Herringbone
Laying Instruction CLASSEN easyloc (Text)
Verlegeanleitung CLASSEN easyloc Dielenformat ohne integrierte Trittschalldämmung
Laying Instruction CLASSEN easyloc without underlayment - tiles size
Verlegeanleitung CLASSEN easyloc Dieleformat mit integrierter Trittschalldämmung
Laying Instruction CLASSEN easyloc with underlayment - tiles size
Verlegeanleitung CLASSEN megaloc aqua protect mit integrierter Trittschalldämmung Dielenformat
Verlegeanleitung CLASSEN megaloc aqua protect mit integrierter Trittschalldämmung Fliesenformat
Megaloc installation system in plank format without integrated impact sound insulation
Megaloc installation system in tile format without integrated impact sound insulation
Megaloc installation system in plank format with integrated impact sound insulation
Megaloc installation system in tile format with integrated impact sound insulation
Laying instructions Ceramin Tiles
Laying Instruction CERAMIN Vario
Laying Instruction CERAMIN XXL
Cleaning and care CERAMIN design floor coverings - private use
Cleaning and care of CERAMIN Tiles in living areas
Cleaning and care of CERAMIN Tiles in the contract sector
Cleaning and care CERAMIN-Flex/Dryback design floor coverings - living area
Cleaning and care CERAMIN-Flex/Dryback design floor coverings - contract sector
Cleaning and care NEO Vario commercial use (german)
Cleaning and care NEO Vario private use (german)
Cleaning and care of Encore tile format - Sono Pro - commercial use
Cleaning and care Encore plank format - Sono Pro - commercial use
Cleaning and care Rigidfloor - commercial use
Reinigung und Pflege NUVA Click Diele – gewerbliche Nutzung
Reinigung und Pflege NUVA Click Fliese – gewerbliche Nutzung
Reinigung und Pflege NUVA Click – private Nutzung
Use of electric heating foils from Heat Decor under CERAMIN® flooring
General Terms and Conditions of Purchase
CLASSEN-Gruppe Supplier Code of Conduct (EN)
Special Terms and Conditions of Purchase Raw Timber (German)
Warranty conditions for laminate flooring
Warranty conditions for Uberwood / Hydroclick
Warranty conditions for CERAMIN-based wall and floor coverings
Werner-von-Siemens-Str. 18-20
56759 Kaisersesch
Phone: +49 2653 980 0
Fax: +49 2653 980 447 0